Thursday, August 11, 2011

How EFT can cure problems with erectile dysfunction?

EFT can solve the answer to erectile dysfunction, as well as many other chronic health problems. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique is a non-invasive treatment, the two well-known and fully furnished, such as alternative medicine links.

The first is Mind Body Medicine that biofeedback and meditation used to help you learn to quiet the mind and nerves and stress through breathing techniques. And know, "for some time that most health problems we deal with are caused by stress. In fact, one doctor pointed out that if we reduce stress in our lives we could have the health problems of 75% reduce.

The second is that acupuncture was discovered in the Chinese thousands of years, and was used as the primary method of healing. The Chinese learned that the energy travels through the body called meridians through the channels, and that if one of these channels are blocked, the energy blocked and this causes health problems and disorders. The block will be caused by emotional trauma and the emotional block that can be removed to restore the body to perfect health. Block power by the end of needles into acupuncture points of meridians restored.

EFT combines these two methods without needles. EFT uses tapping these acupuncture points while focusing on the health or emotional problems. Since theseBlocks> away emotionally, you can help your body back to perfect health.

Erectile dysfunction is caused by the interruption of blood flow to the penis. The question then becomes a physical problem or emotional problem? If you get in a position to have an erection when you are alone or when you wake up, the problem probably emotional. If you are not able to get an erection, then is probably physical and you must seek the help and advice from a urologist too.

Wouldsure it is worth looking into EFT in every case, but never stop any treatment they will receive from your doctor without consulting them.


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